Autodesk maya 2015 review
Autodesk maya 2015 review

autodesk maya 2015 review

Not new to Maya 2013 but well worth a mention are the animation motion trails, which can be seen and manipulated in the viewport, all with motion blur and depth of field available, as well as the area lights, ambient occlusion and other viewport 2.0 features. Viewport 2 enhancements help to visualise a project without the need for time consuming test renders. It's smooth and responsive and targeting lights or tweaking materials is fun and fluid. This helps speed up your workflow considerably and you will spend far less time rendering tests than you would have before. You can preview blur effects and different lighting types, with realistic looking area lights and reflections look crisp and accurate. Viewport 2.0 is a viewport rendering system in Maya 2013 that gives high quality live feedback of camera, lights and material settings. At least making the power more readily available and accessible.

autodesk maya 2015 review


The node editor doesn't just do away with the hypershade window either, as it also incorporates the hypershade and connection editor, creating a simpler more unified user experience, in turn making the software more powerful. Or finally you can choose to see the node, connections and all available connectable attributes, which is ideal for experimenting with node flow. Or can choose to see the nodes, connections and the actively connected attributes.


There are simple layouts, which show the nodes only, plus the connections between them. A great touch here is that you can choose between the levels of complexity you want to work with, so the geekiest control freaks can be satisfied. The nodes and connections just look nicer and are instantly understandable. The node editor, with all three levels of detail shown on various nodes.Ĭomplexity is still there should you need it while the default settings let you get on with the job at hand without having to take in extraneous information. It's easy to see how the teams from the Maya 2013 dev team have sneaked a look through the 3Ds Max office window, as the new node editor looks and feels like the much easier to live with slate. Maya 2013 sees these developments taken even further, enhancing viewport 2.0 and a brand spanking new node editor, which is an absolute joy to use. More recent upgrades have updated the GIU to use a much more neutral grey, with coloured icons, which is far less tiring to work with for long stretches. In previous versions of Maya the hypershade window was where a lot of this work would be done and it always felt a bit cluttered and unwieldy, as did a lot of the Maya interface. Texturing and lighting tools are equally comprehensive, as are the Uving options. Press and hold the space bar and you are presented with this very comprehensive set of menus, meaning it is quite easy to work with toolbars and shelves hidden, if you want to maximise your viewport. It's a huge beast that really can just about do it all.Ī quick tap of the space bar swaps viewport modes, while holding it displays all the menu options you could wish for, letting you work in a minimal environment for maximum space. Once used the the whole toolset, existing and new, there is no mistaking that there is not much that Maya isn't capable of. On the flip side the GUI is very configurable, so a little time spent will serve up exactly the interface you'd like.

autodesk maya 2015 review

There is often irrelevant information on screen at any given time and it would be nice to see 'workspaces' ship by default, aimed at different users (much like photoshop has). We don't like the fact the Maya is a behemoth of an application. It's great to see the new node editor which, along with the other GUI improvements (like viewport 2.0) will help make working with Maya that bit easier. Alembic will find itself in use a lot of the coming months and years but needs to settle into the user base workflow before it really makes waves. We like bullet dynamics for it's ease of use and fantastic results. While none of the above stand out as showstopping new features they certainly will have an impact on users.

Autodesk maya 2015 review